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Day 1

Today was the first day of To the Woods at STEM. We went to the pond to reflect on ourselves and the world around us. We waited in silence for 10 minutes to just look at the beauty surrounding us. Through this experience, I realized something. Nature is one of the most calming things for the mind. I was able to clear my mind and just reflect of how I felt at that moment. I was feeling calm, collected, and just overall marveling in the beauty of the waves rippling on across the water. Even though we did have a minor interruption to the silence, you could still tune it out. That way you could enjoy the silence and be free from stress.

The Pond
Poison Ivy
Beautiful Scenery
The bunny
View of the Pond

Day 2

Day 2


Today was my second day of To the Woods at STEM. Before we went to Cox Arboretum, we learned about haiku poetry. Haiku is made up of 3 lines. The first line is 5 syllables, the second is 7 syllables, and the third is 5 syllables again. We then had to  pick a picture of nature and create our own haiku. Mine is listed bellow. Next we went to Cox Arboretum. When we arrived it was raining. It made me realize that I should have brought a better jacket. At Cox Arboretum, my friend Kylie and I walked around while taking pictures of the beautiful scenery around us. During this experience, I had some time to reflect on myself. When I looked around I could see the beauty in nature. But, I could also feel how that beauty made me forget about the rain. I got soaked, but I didn`t really care. I was able to talk to my friend while looking at the beautify plants and animals. I was able to feel happy and calm.

Today was my second day of To the Woods at STEM. Before we went to Cox Arboretum, we learned about haiku poetry. Haiku is made up of 3 lines. The first line is 5 syllables, the second is 7 syllables, and the third is 5 syllables again. We then had to  pick a picture of nature and create our own haiku. Mine is listed bellow. Next we went to Cox Arboretum. When we arrived it was raining. It made me realize that I should have brought a better jacket. At Cox Arboretum, my friend Kylie and I walked around while taking pictures of the beautiful scenery around us. During this experience, I had some time to reflect on myself. When I looked around I could see the beauty in nature. But, I could also feel how that beauty made me forget about the rain. I got soaked, but I didn`t really care. I was able to talk to my friend while looking at the beautify plants and animals. I was able to feel happy and calm.

Writing Prompt for  Today: Haiku

Stormy weather comes

Raining upon the landscape

Now plants can grow large.

Day 3

Duck on Video
Camera filming duck
Another camera to go in pipes

Today was my third day of To the Woods at STEM.  Today we had the City of Dayton Water treatment people come and tell us about how water is handled in the City of Dayton. This included treatment for drinking water, river water, sewage water, and grey water. I thought that one of the coolest things that we learned throughout the day was when we learned about the robots. They take these robots that have a camera attached to the end to get footage of the pipes. They use this to find any problems with the pipe. I thought this was pretty cool because I am currently on a robotics team, so seeing robots used in jobs like these is neat. Just being innovative enough to think of that as a solution to a problem is pretty cool, also I think.  

Writing Prompt for  Today: River Poem

This is the water, moist and wet that flows along the river

This is the mud, brown and squishy that sits at the bottom of the water, moist and wet that flows along the river

This is the sand, small and fine that is mixing in with the mud, brown and squishy that sits at the bottom of the water, moist and wet that flows along the river

This is the fish, lively and colorful swimming in the sand, small and fine that is mixing in with the mud, brown and squishy that sits at the bottom of the water, moist and wet that flows along the river

This is the beaver, plump and round that lives along the banks where the fish, lively and colorful swim   in the sand, small and fine that is mixing in with the mud, brown and squishy that sits at the bottom of the water, moist and wet that flows along the river


This is the hill, large and grassy that rises above the beavers, plump and round that live along the banks where the fish, lively and colorful swim    in the sand, small and fine that is mixing in with the mud, brown and squishy that sits at the bottom of the water, moist and wet that flows along the river


This is the tree, brown and sticky that stands on the hill, large and grassy that rises above the beavers, plump and round that live along the banks where the fish, lively and colorful swim in the sand, small and fine that is mixing in with the mud, brown and squishy that sits at the bottom of the water, moist and wet that flows along the river

Day 4

Today was the fourth day of To the Woods at STEM. The major thing that we did was learning about the book and Movie named, Wild. During this experience we had to pack a bag and plan what we are packing if we did a 10-15 day hike. In this activity I learned that it would be very difficult to go through what the author of the book had to go through. When we tried on the bag for what the weight would be, I realized that the real task isn`t the hiking. One of the most difficult things for the hike would be trying to carry the backpack. Trying to carry about more than half your weight is super difficult. I have no idea how people could be able to do that. I also realized that I couldn`t probably last one day trying to hike super far with a heavy backpack on.

Trying on the backpack P1
BAckpakc filled with weights
Trying on the backpack P2

Day 5

Narrows River
Happy World Turtle Day
Frog 2
Learning 1
Learning 2
Giant Tree
Pretty Sunlight
Tree 2
Tree and Sunlight
Fuzzy Tree
Tree 3
Tree 4

Today was my fifth day of To the Woods at STEM. Before we went to the Narrows, we worked as a group to come up with a skit about an animal that is listed below. Then we visited the Narrows over in Beavercreek. During this expedition, I learned that I need to rethink what I pack up for hikes after it rains. This is because I almost fell 3 times. After the hike, we got learned about the importance of the river to the ecosystem. This in turn made me think back to the other day when we talked about how horrible it is to dump in storm drains. It made me also think back to the times that I have seen someone dump something into a river or pond. Now it made me see that next time I see that happening I need to make sure that dumping in rivers doesn`t happen again.  This has also made sure that I don`t leave anything on purpose if  I when we go kayaking and to be more responsible of myself.

Writing Prompt for  Today: Animal Script

The Empty Pond Ages : 4-12


Sophia- Turtle (thinks she is a fish)

Leah- CEO

Kylie- Duck

Courtney- Narrator


Act 1

Narrator: Hello boys and girls, today I’ll tell you the story of the empty pond. It all started when two little innocent creatures were enjoying their pond

Duck: This is such a great pond

Turtle: The best

(the two play around in the pond)


Act 2

Narrator: Nearby, the local Bottled Water company CEO walks along a trail near the pond.

CEO: Oh, my company is almost bankrupt! If I don’t find a new resource and fast… Say! There’s a big pond right over there! And it’s unguarded. This must be my lucky day!

(CEO goes over to pond and takes some water)


Act 3

Duck: Hey! Just what do you think you’re doing with our water?!

CEO: I would hardly say this water is yours

Duck: We all live here!

CEO: Is your name on it?

Duck: no

CEO: Then I’d say it’s up for grabs

(CEO takes some more water)

Duck: Oh no you don’t!

(Duck throws a rock at CEO)

CEO: Ow! Take this you little rodent!

(CEO dumps her trash in the pond and it pollutes the water)

CEO: Well, I have all the water I’ll need, enjoy your dirty pond! (Maniacal laugh)

Narrator: Duck desperately tried to escape the cataminated water, but it was too late.

(Duck dies dramatically)


Act 4

Turtle: Duck? Where are you? What’s up with the water today (cough)?

(Turtle sees Duck dead)


(CEO walks by and laughs with stolen water in hand)

Turtle: I will avenge you Ducky!

Narrator: Turtle realized what the CEO had done to the water, she knew that the only way to save her pond was to replace the dirty water with the clean water that had been stolen. Because apparently the CEO had taken a lot of it.

(Turtle gets some rocks and attacks the CEO)

Turtle: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Take this! (throws a rock) And that! (throws another rock)

CEO: AAH! You rotten creatures! I’ll take care of you! (throws more trash at Turtle)

Turtle: AAH! (gags)



Narrator: With her final breath, Turtle throws another rock at the CEO, who falls, and the water magically lands back in the pond.

(CEO dies, then Turtle dies)

Narrator: And so what was once a lively pond sits here today empty and slightly dirty. So remember kids, please don’t take some random animal’s pond water, then nobody wins.

Day 6

Today was my sixth day of To the Woods at STEM. The first thing that we did before we went to Carriage Hill Farms is create a narrative or poem about an object, person, or animal on a farm in the 19th century. I picked a shovel for mine because I knew I could create one of a person or animal and I wanted to try something different. I realized I wanted to give myself more of a challenge. If I continue to challenge myself in my writing than in turn I can grow in my writing. My narrative is listed below. Afterward we went to Carriage Hill Farms. We were allowed to go explore while we were there so I visited the animals who looked depressed, took a hike on a trail, walked across the create, and just had fun in general before lunch. After lunch I went back to the creek and just had fun again for another 50 minutes or so. All in all I just had a pretty good day. And I learned that next time I go to a creek I should probably bring creek-ing shoes so I don`t have to go barefoot. Also because I got sand and rocks in my shoes that I had to walk around in until we left and that was very aggravating.


Writing  Prompt: Farm Narrative 

 Dig, Haul, Throw

The same task every day.

Day after day I am forced to complete the only task I am designed for.

Whether it be dirt, sand, or any other material.

I have to move it from one place to another.



At least I am never really alone.

I get to be used year round by all members of the household.

I am constantly helping others in order to make their chores easier.

And I`m happy to have the company.



But, I`m rusting away lying in this barn.

I may be replaced soon with a younger sturdier shovel.

That`s okay with me.

As soon as the rain stops, I know I will be used for my purpose once again. 



It isn`t the most luxurious job in the world, but I`m happy to have it.

I may not be as strong as a plow.

I definitely am not as sharp as a tractor.

I could never need more because I know that this is my purpose in life.

Day 7

Photobook Break.

Day 8

View of the Pond
Delco Park
Adorable Geese Family
View from Park Shelter
Geese Family (2)

Today was my eighth day of To the Woods at STEM.  Before we walked to Delco park, we read a passage from the Taking a Closer Look  by Tom Brown Jr. This gave us a little bit of an idea of the writing prompt of the day. My attempt is listed below. After our about 30 minute walk to Delco, we listened to an author speak to us. Afterward we could do what we wanted as long as we followed the rules and stay in the park. I just had a good time just hanging out with my friends. I also got to enjoy the quiet peacefulness (not sure if this is a word) of getting to watch the ducks swimming along the pond. I just got to live in the blissfulness of the moment of today and forget about all that I still have to do. Between playing with my friends and just the beauty of nature I personally enjoyed today.

Writing Prompt for  Today: Small World

When I looked down at the grass, all I could see was green. It wasn`t much I`ll admit, but at least my little enclosed square was many different shades of green due to the sun. So I looked closer. It was like a completely different world. The brown stretched as far as the eye could see. Little ants twisted and turned throw the tall grasses. A beetle roamed through the grass. It was crushing all that got in it`s way. I thought this was pretty cool. 

Day 9

Today was the ninth day of To the Woods at STEM. Before we headed to go Kayaking at the Narrows, we got to create a recipe poem. Instead of making mine a river recipe poem, I choose to do mine based on a forest which is listed below. Afterward, we headed back to the Narrows to go kayaking. I personally had a lot of fun today. Even though I may have crashed a couple of times I learned that I enjoy kayaking. Just being on the water allowed me just to reflect on myself and how I am feeling. The silence allowed me to contemplate what I am  am thinking of doing this summer and what I wanted to do for my birthday. Basically, I was able to sort out my ideas for the upcoming break.

View from Kayaks
River View from the Shore
Tree Tops
River View 2
Shore view 2

Writing Prompt for  Today: Forest Recipe

To make a forest,

Take tall swaying trees along with dead dry and crackling leaves.

Lay it across a grassy, far stretching plain.

Blend with cool breezes blowing through the air.

Bake in spacious areas at 85 degrees,

Until the flowers bloom along the trail`s path.

To top it off,

Sprinkle on little insects for color and decoration.

Now, divide using flowing streams,

And serve to the wildlife for shelter.

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